
Thursday, January 30, 2020

12 volt fridge/freezer that actually works

Our new car!

No plates, no gas, no insurance, and pretty cheap!  18mph 40 mile range!  we were going faster than traffic today!

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Friday, May 17, 2019

Monday, November 28, 2016

Bob asked me an interesting question yesterday. Did I think that we would've been a young couple that set off on this adventure when we were in our 20's?
It is funny how each of us changes as life unfolds. Looking back, I loved to travel, but felt that I needed money and stability to make it happen. First finish college, then get started on the career to make the money to get the house, cars and then have the know, have the "American Dream".
The dream has changed along the way.
No, we wouldn't have been the couple to go off on a sailboat or an RV instead of working toward the dream we were taught to chase from birth.
I am the pleaser child--the oldest of four---the only girl of the bunch. My husband is the older of two---with a sister. Both sets of parents---very traditional. His mom didn't work after he was born, my mom worked more than she didn't--- but she was a stay at home mom while I was in school. The formula: Work hard---make money---be successful. Easy. Travel happened when you had time-off of work. My dad worked in manufacturing. First as a line man at Chrysler---then as a die process engineer for Daimler-Chrysler. Bob's dad worked at GM's foundry. Both dad's had regular vacations which were used to travel and relax. So we both grew up with traditional ideas of travel. One worked all year and if one did well enough with the family budget, one went on a road trip for 2 weeks---usually during summer vacation.
As a couple, we have pursued many different variations of this plan. I am a special education teacher and Bob drives a brown truck for a parcel company. He has earned 7 weeks off a year and I have non-contract time during the summer from my teaching job. Over the past 11 years, we have went on car trips to the western US, the East Coast, the Smoky Mountains and to the family cottage in northern Michigan. We've changed our vision of how we use our resources for this time. First, it was all, "Let's go there and see this" to "Where should we go and what should we see this year?" to finally "If we used our resources to acquire various toys, we could stay at the family cottage." So, we bought the toys and had a blast with our Arctic Cat Wildcat Side-by-Side UTV and more recently, our Liberator Four Winns boat.
Which brings me back to the question,  "Would I have left everything I knew and traveled the world when I was in my 20's?"  Nope.  I've needed to experience all of it to get to the me that is planning on selling everything and leaving my safe port to travel the world. was in my 20's?" Nope. I've needed to experience all of it to get to the me that is planning on selling everything and leaving my safe port to travel the world.

Sunday, November 27, 2016